Notes aus Deutschland

Emily lives in Germany least for this year. The idea? Happily although sparsely financed by the US and German governments, she sets off to learn german, get some work experience, be a cultural ambassador and drink beer. follow her adventures here...

Location: München, Bayern, Germany

the adventures of planning my cross-cultural wedding, from start to finish

Saturday, December 17, 2005

home for the holidays

actually, not really. But home as in host family home...but the weirdest part is that all my friends in Munich are heading home themselves. It feels weird to be left like this...

The past week has been filled with not very much productivity and a lot of parties. Last night was the final goodbye-before-xmas party. It was good but I think we could all use a bit of a break from these party-filled evenings. Or maybe it was just that the exact same group of people had been partying together until 5am the night before. I guess there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

I think a lot of the new friendships I´m forming have reached a crossroads--either we remain casual acquaintences who wave to eachother on the street and dance at parties, or we start actually hanging out in normal settings. That´s the harder part, I guess...

Last night it snowed. It did not snow in Munich, just in Feldafing. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I live within the reach of the public transit system, cause it often feels like I live in another country. The weather is different, and we regularly run into the mayor at the grocery store. But today is a really beautiful day, the sun is shining on the fresh snow, and I think it's time for me to start a nice, cozy, winter hibernation, build up my christmas spirit, and settle my brains for a long winter's nap...


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