Notes aus Deutschland

Emily lives in Germany least for this year. The idea? Happily although sparsely financed by the US and German governments, she sets off to learn german, get some work experience, be a cultural ambassador and drink beer. follow her adventures here...

Location: München, Bayern, Germany

the adventures of planning my cross-cultural wedding, from start to finish

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

taking a cue from aaron

just wanted to pass along a few words of wisdom from aaron, a friend who is currently doing the peace corps in Mauritania:

What am I doing here? I’m living and working.
Is this a good use of my time? Of course not. Nothing happens efficiently in life.
Is this where I want to be? Who cares? I’m here, might as well enjoy it.
Where will it all lead? To its natural end.

It sounds perhaps a bit pessimistic, but I find it perfect. To read more about his adventures, look here:


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